Signs that Your Relationship is Not Working


“Those little hugs and kisses are gone. And sex? That can either disappear or feel mechanical and ‘ho-hum,'” Dr. Wish explains. Maybe you’ve tried to bring up the topic with your partner, but they don’t see a change, or they don’t mind the change. If you find that you’re cheating simply because you don’t want to be with your partner anymore, then that’s a good reason to break up too. It’s just time to move on (and to spare you and your partner a ton of stress and heartache). If you’re consistently cheating on your monogamous partner (or engaging in behavior on that spectrum) — and you’re not making any progress toward resolving it — then it’s probably time to end the relationship.

Relationships require effort and commitment from both parties to thrive. However, there are times when things just don’t seem right, and it may be a sign that your relationship is not working.

When you find yourself avoiding your partner every time, it can be one of the signs of a failing relationship. Some of them may be as minor as farting indiscriminately or leaving clothes around. If these actions affect your behavior toward your partner, it is a sign that your relationship is failing. Once you start fantasizing about them and seeing a relationship with them, that is one of the signs that your relationship is failing. Trust is integral to a happy and fulfilling relationship. It contributes to the growth and peace of a relationship.

But if every other conversation you have with your partner is an argument, that may mean your relationship has reached an unfixable point. “Everything is a battle. Occasional arguments happen in the best of relationships, but when it becomes the norm, your relationship has become toxic,” Dr. Brown points out. This is usually a sign that a relationship is really struggling, and perhaps at crisis point. In my experience, these couples often, although not always, break up.

After all, entering a relationship doesn’t switch off your normal biological functioning. You have the right to keep some things private, for the sole reason that you want to. Though avoiding an argument can seem like the best solution in the short term, in the long run, it won’t serve your relationship. You may need to do some soul-searching (by yourself and with your partner) to truly understand what is causing the same old argument.

Communication Breakdown

One of the most significant signs that your relationship is in trouble is when communication breaks down. If you find yourselves constantly arguing or avoiding important conversations, it may be a red flag that there are underlying issues that need to be addressed.

Lack of Trust

Sex can be part of intimacy but so can being emotionally connected with your partner. At the same time, you are also responsible for helping bring enjoyment to your relationship. So it possible to reverse this problem if you don’t want to end things with your partner. “But if you are not intentional about cultivating the fun, your relationship won’t work.” This lack of openness and honesty in your relationship could also result in you engaging in further negative behavior with your partner.

Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship. If you find yourself constantly questioning your partner’s actions or they are suspicious of yours, it may indicate that trust has been broken. Without trust, a relationship cannot survive.

Mindfulness and conscious attention to the here and now can help improve communication in your relationships and your overall well-being. The following 11 behaviors are often present in one or both partners if they are drifting apart. The relationship is in trouble when your partner makes you feel like you are a burden or disturbing them. This situation usually occurs when the other person is tired of the relationship or has problems. Redirect your feelings to your partner and think about all the good memories you both have built. You can only know your partner more when you spend quality time together.

Constant Disagreements

While disagreements are normal in any relationship, if you find yourselves constantly at odds with each other and unable to find common ground, it may be a sign that your values and goals are no longer aligned.

Emotional Distance

Emotional intimacy is vital in a successful relationship. If you feel disconnected from your partner or notice that they are emotionally distant, it may be a sign that the emotional bond between you is weakening.

Lack of Effort

When one or both partners stop putting in the effort to maintain the relationship, it can lead to feelings of neglect and resentment. If you notice a lack of willingness to work on the relationship from either side, it may be a sign that it is not working.


Recognizing the signs that your relationship is not working is the first step towards addressing any underlying issues and deciding whether the relationship is worth saving. It is essential to communicate openly with your partner and seek help if needed to navigate through these challenging times.

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