Signs Your Relationship is Failing


Sarah loves reading classic novels but also enjoys a good thriller. She focuses on relationship, wellness, and lifestyle topics, and has bylines on Huffington Post, Elite Daily, PopSugar, and MSN. Take our free relationship quiz to discover your strengths and growth opportunities, and get expert recommendations. Open and honest communication is essential in navigating this potential roadblock in your relationship. It’s crucial to communicate openly about any underlying resentments and work towards resolving them together.

✅ (1) Message from Angela Carter

All of these signal the beginning of the end – but can you stop yourselves from going further down that path? Here are three signs it’s worth it to save a failing relationship. Now, it might not be appropriate for a person to cater to every emotional need their partner has at every moment of the day. But if they don’t play a healthy role in the other person’s emotional life, the relationship will probably begin to feel hollow, disappointing, and inauthentic. Once those feelings creep in, that’s usually a sign that the relationship needs work — or is simply not working.

Relationships can be challenging and sometimes they don’t work out as expected. If you’re starting to feel like things are not going well in your relationship, it’s important to recognize the signs that indicate it may be failing.

Lack of trust has factors like poor emotional support, compatibility, dependability, etc., and is a reason for relationship breakdown. Fighting in a relationship can be a sign of a healthy relationship. The problem comes when the fight turns into hatred, extended breaks, and hurtful words.

✅ (1) Message from Angela Carter

Couples counseling can help you learn how to reduce conflict, increase overall relationship satisfaction, and communicate more effectively. Sharing your feelings and thoughts without judgment is part of intimacy as well. Without some level of intimacy with your partner, you may likely feel distant. Long-term counseling and therapy are some of the solutions to an abusive relationship. The relationship is in trouble when your partner makes you feel like you are a burden or disturbing them.

Communication Breakdown

One of the most common signs that a relationship is failing is a breakdown in communication. If you and your partner are no longer able to have open and honest conversations, or if you find yourselves arguing more frequently than before, it could be a sign that there are underlying issues that need to be addressed.

Lack of Intimacy

Another key indicator that your relationship may be failing is a lack of intimacy. This can manifest in various ways, such as a decrease in physical affection, emotional connection, or even sexual intimacy. If you or your partner are feeling disconnected or distant, it’s important to address this issue before it escalates.

✅ (1) Message from Angela Carter

However, when they begin, everything is sunshine and rainbows, and fights and arguments become more commonplace as time progresses. While this progression doesn’t necessarily indicate a failing relationship, it can be a warning sign. You might notice that your partner is acting differently than they used to, or negative energy is present. While it’s normal for people to change, they shouldn’t treat you differently.

Sometimes, frequent communication in a relationship does not guarantee a perfect relationship. If your partner disregards your feelings when you discuss specific topics with them, it is one of the failing relationship signs. While growing together in a relationship, you must continue to communicate and maintain a healthy, open dialogue. Both partners should learn to fight in productive ways, use positive language when airing concerns, and listen to the other with the goal of understanding.

Constant Conflict

If you find yourselves constantly arguing or unable to resolve conflicts in a healthy manner, it could be a sign that your relationship is in trouble. While disagreements are a natural part of any relationship, constant conflict without resolution can lead to resentment and unhappiness.

Loss of Trust

Trust is a crucial component of any successful relationship. If you start to notice that trust is eroding between you and your partner, whether it’s due to lies, deceit, or broken promises, it’s a clear sign that your relationship may be failing. Rebuilding trust can be difficult, but it’s essential for the health of your relationship.


  1. Can a failing relationship be saved?
  2. Yes, with effort, open communication, and willingness from both parties, a failing relationship can be saved.

  3. How do I know when it’s time to end a failing relationship?
  4. If you’ve tried everything to improve the relationship and nothing seems to work, or if you no longer feel happy or fulfilled in the relationship, it may be time to consider ending it.

Recognizing the signs that your relationship is failing is the first step towards taking action to address the underlying issues. It’s important to communicate openly with your partner, seek professional help if needed, and prioritize the health and happiness of both individuals involved in the relationship.

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