Signs Your Relationship is in Trouble


Dr. Gottman outlines antidotes that you might consider practicing that can help you in making changes to communication patterns. If you have different work schedules, intentionally carving out quality time together can provide moments to connect. You may need to find creative and unique ways to connect with your partner.

✅ (1) Message from Angela Carter

Relationships can be difficult to navigate, and sometimes it can be hard to know when things are starting to go downhill. Here are some signs that your relationship may be in trouble.

Research shows that hostile criticism is a strong predictor of marital dissatisfaction. Every marital relationship is unique and each one faces its own challenges. If you’re in this type of relationship, you may likely avoid your partner at all costs out of fear and for safety reasons. If you’re in an abusive situation, consider seeking professional help and support.

Long-distance relationships may also cause relationship uncertainty and feelings of loneliness, according to research from 2017. When couples finally part, they have often endured a long period of diminished happiness before one or the other partners want out. Sometimes that decision is preceded by a crisis event, but more often it results from a slow erosion of quality interactions.

✅ (1) Message from Angela Carter

This may look different than couples who live together or are closer to each other. Most intimate partners who are facing this dilemma somehow knew much earlier that things were not okay, but were holding on to the hope that there would be some breakthrough miracle that would turn things around. There are subjects that are off-limits or you’re afraid to talk about.

Communication Breakdown

We are often so caught up in the excitement of getting to know someone that it can be hard to recognize if something isn’t quite right about them. Does your partner promise the world to you, but their actions don’t reflect their intentions? One of the biggest red flags in a new relationship is when your partner doesn’t deliver on their promises. Your partner is unable or unwilling to commit, showing they are not ready for a serious relationship. They may have difficulty making decisions about the future or expressing their feelings.

One of the biggest red flags in a relationship is a breakdown in communication. If you find that you and your partner are no longer able to have open and honest conversations, or if you are constantly arguing without resolving anything, it may be a sign that there are deeper issues at play.

✅ (1) Message from Angela Carter

Lack of Trust

Trust is the foundation of any healthy relationship. If you find yourself constantly questioning your partner’s actions or motives, or if they are doing the same to you, it may be a sign that trust has been broken. Without trust, a relationship cannot thrive.

Emotional Distance

Another sign that your relationship may be in trouble is an emotional distance between you and your partner. If you feel like you are drifting apart or no longer feel connected on a deeper level, it may be time to address the underlying issues causing this distance.

But when you don’t feel any connection toward your partner or avoid talking with them, you may start thinking of a way out. When you find yourself avoiding your partner every time, it can be one of the signs of a failing relationship. Some of them may be as minor as farting indiscriminately or leaving clothes around. If these actions affect your behavior toward your partner, it is a sign that your relationship is failing. The relationship is in trouble when your partner makes you feel like you are a burden or disturbing them. This situation usually occurs when the other person is tired of the relationship or has problems.

Constant Criticism

Healthy relationships are built on love, respect, and support. If you find that you and your partner are constantly criticizing each other or putting each other down, it may be a sign that resentment has built up and needs to be addressed.

Recognizing these signs early on can help you and your partner address any issues before they become too big to overcome. Remember that every relationship will face challenges, but with open communication and a willingness to work through problems together, you can strengthen your bond and come out stronger on the other side.

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