Things Your Partner Should Never Say to You


It is equally important to remember that just because you don’t agree or like something, you can still support it for your partner’s sake. There will be many times when you and your partner don’t agree or like the same things, and that is normal. After all, you are still individuals even though you are in a relationship with each other. To avoid this, try to listen actively and understand their perspective.

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In a healthy relationship, both partners accept full responsibility for their actions and they’re willing to work on resolving their problems in a productive way. Anytime you withdraw from a conversation or simply stop responding to your partner, you’re creating a communication gap between you. The most important thing you can do to avoid using hurtful words during an argument is to control your emotions. There are so many other harsh statements that can destroy a happy relationship even when you don’t mean them. Using this type of negative communication pattern can only lead to distrust and a lack of intimacy in your relationship. If you want to have a happy relationship, try to say positive things to your significant other even when you’re angry.

Communication is key in any relationship, but there are certain things your partner should never say to you. These hurtful words can cause lasting damage and erode the trust and respect in your relationship.

If your partner hardly ever says these things to you, it doesn’t mean your relationship is going to fail. If your partner is so concerned about what their mom says or what their friends say, they might put other people’s wants and needs before yours. But if they truly have your back, they’ll be able to say they’re with you, especially around other people. “Relationships are constant negotiations, and you want to make sure your partner is saying ‘yes’ to what you ask at least some of the time,” Andrea Amour, Founder at UpDate Coaching, tells Bustle.

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Instead, help your kids figure out what they should learn from each mistake, so they’ll build the necessary confidence to succeed the next time around, Morin wrote for Make It last year. You can share stories of your own setbacks and how you overcame them, or examples of successful people who overcame early failures. Deobhakta treated a patient who watched the 2017 solar eclipse for 20 seconds without proper eye protection. She now has permanent damage in the shape of a crescent that interferes with her vision.

There’ll be times when you’re disagreeing or going through a rough patch with your partner. But someone who genuinely loves you will never trash you to their friends and family. According to Susan Trombetti, matchmaker and relationship expert, they won’t allow anyone else to do so either.

1. “You’re so stupid.”

This kind of belittling language has no place in a healthy relationship. It’s important for partners to uplift and support each other, not tear each other down with hurtful insults. If your partner regularly calls you names or puts you down, it may be time to reevaluate the relationship.

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2. “I wish you were more like (someone else).”

Comparing your partner to someone else is a surefire way to make them feel inadequate and unappreciated. Each person is unique and should be valued for who they are, not who they are not. Encouraging growth and improvement is one thing, but constantly comparing your partner to others is damaging to their self-esteem.

3. “You’re overreacting.”

Dismissing your partner’s feelings as if they are invalid or irrational is disrespectful and dismissive. Everyone experiences emotions differently, and it’s important to validate and empathize with your partner’s feelings, even if you don’t understand them. Saying “you’re overreacting” can make your partner feel unheard and unsupported.

4. “I don’t love you anymore.”

Hearing these words from your partner can be devastating and soul-crushing. While it’s important to be honest about your feelings in a relationship, using this phrase without care or consideration can cause irreparable harm. It’s essential to communicate openly and honestly with your partner, but there are kinder ways to express your emotions than saying “I don’t love you anymore.”

5. “You always…” or “You never…”

Using extreme language like “always” or “never” in arguments can be destructive and unproductive. It can make your partner feel defensive and attacked, rather than fostering open communication and understanding. Instead of making blanket statements, try to focus on specific behaviors or situations that are causing issues in the relationship.

In conclusion, it’s important for partners to be mindful of the words they use in a relationship. Hurtful and disrespectful language can damage the trust and connection between partners. By communicating openly and respectfully, couples can strengthen their bond and create a healthy and supportive partnership.

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